Saturday, May 27, 2017

Enjoy Becoming A Teen!

                                    Hey Guys! I'm back and I was just thinking most teens think that becoming a teen means you get to do what ever you want, you can drive, you find true love! Yes that is true but it's not all because you can have a job and drive. Becoming a teen means you mature, and yes you do find true love but mostly you should act like an adult! You  should make good choices about life and mostly you should spend time with your siblings (If you have any) because you know you will be out of the house married soon. So don't hide your self in the bedroom on your computer or on your phone. I mean it's good to keep in touch with your friends but most importantly you should spend time with God and family. So go out and enjoy your last years as a kid.
      I ALWAYS thought that becoming a teen means you get to do more stuff. But it's not

                                                   Just a little reminder about your life :D

                                                      See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Truth!!! We should enjoy every stage of life. Good thoughts!
